Creating a Pre-Vocational Program

In the early years of high school, students with Cognitive Impairment need to begin preparing for vocational training.  Pre-vocational classes are an excellent way for them to do this.  When I taught at the high school level, my pre-vocational class ran the school’s recycling program, filled the vending machines, and helped out in the library.  The classes were run like a workplace, and the students felt proud and capable.

Here are some tips for establishing a pre-vocational program for your students:

–Have the students punch in.  Our students were paid $2 an hour, and they got their $2 every day that they worked, without any problems.

–Find jobs that need doing around the school.  Our students broke down boxes in the cafeteria everyday.  They also picked up the recycling once a week, filled the vending machines once a week, and counted the money from the vending machines once a week.

–Provide adequate supervision, but do it discretely.  These students are eager to be trusted, and they will behave up or down to expectations.  Give them tasks to do on their own—actually, have them do as much of the work as possible, on their own—but make sure an adult it watching, around the corner.

–On payday, organize a trip to the bank.  My students were paid once a month, and we would walk to the bank that day.  They were encouraged to have savings accounts, where they would deposit half of their paychecks.  Then, we would make a trip to a convenience store, on the way back, so that they could enjoy the immediate benefit of their efforts.

–When behavior problems and defiance occur, don’t preach blind obedience.  I have heard too many well-meaning adults say, “When you’re in a real job, you will have to do what your boss says, no matter what.”  That isn’t exactly true.  The boss has the final say, but there are ways to discuss and resolve disagreements.  Teach the students this kind of problem solving, and the behavior problems should decrease.

And a final thought:  have fun!  Pre-vocational classes are a relaxed atmosphere, in which you will be able to spend time and get to know your students, without having to push academics as hard as you are used to.  You are teaching very meaningful skills, and they will be eager to learn them.
